Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Baby's Development at 7 Weeks

Hi readers and viewers. Today November 29, 2011, I'm on my 7 weeks tummy. My lower abdomen may be shown some signs that I'm pregnant but more of my tummy haha because I'm kinda overweight girls. =') My Hubby always find a joke like, "Baby is still small but your tummy is already big!! haha! Crazy DH.

Here are the development of Baby during 7 weeks. I found it again on the net.

Your 7th Week of Pregnancy
The First Trimester

Your Body - 7 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Month 2 PhotoThis week your baby is undergoing some extraordinary changes and developments. The head, heart, spinal cord, and some of the larger blood vessels begin to form. As these blood vessels form, the heart begins to pump fluid through them, and your baby's first red blood cells are created. Your baby is about 7 - 9 mm or 0.27 - 0.35 inches in length, (approximately the size of a grain of rice), and weighs about 1/30 of an ounce - less than a breath mint.
Your baby's brain, bladder, tongue and esophagus are all developing and transforming, while his eyes are moving to the front of the face and his tiny eyelids are forming. The bones of his tiny limbs have started to form and all of your baby's major organs - heart, intestines, kidneys, liver, lungs and pancreas -- are forming and growing. In fact, your baby actually goes through 3 sets of kidneys during development with this week's development, being the second set.
Both the hand plates and the genital tubercle are present this week, but you can't tell whether it's a boy or a girl by sight at this point. Nasal pits are also forming. In your womb, your baby has already become active swimming around inside the amniotic sac and kicking. However, as he's much too small and well-cushioned by the uterus and the new amniotic fluid you won't be able to feel him yet. But don't worry. In a few months you'll be able to feel him constantly.

Your Body - 7 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnant with acneIf you've ever had facial breakouts or acne, I'm sorry to say that you may get to experience this again. Due to the hormonal changes in your body, you may end up with a few breakouts over the next few weeks. It's okay though. Using a good, gentle facial cleanser and hypoallergenic make-up will keep these to a minimum, and these breakouts will go away either when you enter your second trimester or when you deliver. You may have either gained or lost a few pounds, but are not showing yet. The good news? Your pregnancy symptoms may start to decrease. While the heartburn, morning sickness and breast tenderness may continue, the backaches and headaches usually do subside at least a little after this week.

Early Pregnancy Questions

Babies Online Members in their 7th week of pregnancy have commonly asked the following questions:


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