Thursday, November 10, 2011

Still BFP, but still Faint Line

 From the start that i got the BFP, I keep on reading Do's and Don't during pregnancy, some important to know from an expecting mom to be. This is an answered prayer and I been waiting this for so long so I need to take good care my self and my baby's health.

I don't know  but i started to feel nervous again when i read some article that if you you had a faint line during  pregnancy test at first is ok, but when you tried again after 2-3 days it must be bot darker lines. They said faith line or probably after testing again after a few days getting a negative result if means your HCG level are getting down and it some serious problem with you baby.

As soon as i read this article i dont feel ok. I said i need to have another tests to know or to check if I still have the faint line of darker line this time to know my HCG level are getting and and everything is perfect.

Last November 08, 2011 morning and November 09, 2011 i took another test. I still have the positive lool result although still faint line but i think its more darker than before. I dont know what do you think?

November 08, 2011

November 09, 2011


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