Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Gods greatest gift to our Family

My Children...

These two lovely kids are the greatest gift from our Lord and Savior.
After all the pains and struggles we have been through I know God has a reason for everything

I am PCOS for years, since when? I don't even know how long because ever since I was in high school irregular na ang period ko but only 2010 I decided to see OBGyne then it's confirmed  I am PCOS. We decided to seek help to get pregnant.

2012 got pregnant work up baby. at 31 weeks my water broke. Gave birth to cute Mackenzie vis CS  but After 11 days he gains his Angel wings. https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/p/mackenzie-story.html

2013 after 9months got pregnant by surprise. Without any particular meds for my PCOS, without any help from any OBGyne. At 33, God gave us Kuya Kean via Repeat CS. He is now 6years old. https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/2013/11/kean-josue-s-angeles.html

We already both thankful for having Kean. He is the biggest blessing na binigay sa amin.  But deep in our hearts, we want Kean to have someone to be with when growing up. But I know It will be hard for me to conceive again due to my situation and considering my age. I just prayed, we prayed hard and try to take my meds again to help me regulate my period but on and off. until.

2018 June we found out we are pregnant again.  We are so happy of course but something happened and we don't have any control of it. At 6 weeks we lost the heartbeat of our little one inside due to small Gestational Sac. We tried our best but I know again God's has purpose and reason for everything. I cried  and talk to him whatever plans he has for me and my family I will truly accept with all my heart.  https://ourinfertilitybattle.blogspot.com/2018/06/miscarriage-at-6-weeks.html

2019 April came. It's the big surprise. it's BFP. Big Fat Positive.

Friday, May 17, 2019

My Second Check up 7 weeks/ 4 days

Exactly  7weeks and 4 days

My little peanut now showed up. Thank you, God, above. All my prayers are answered all the time. I just wish that our baby will grow healthy, complete, normal and strong. Nothing more I can wish for our baby is to be healthy enough to be able to stay in my womb until 38 weeks.

It's been a long way run. Mahaba haba pa ang lalakbayin namin hehe! But I know God our savior will always be with us to protect us all the time.

This week, hyperacidity is so strong. I've tried some remedy but still the same. I avoid drinking medicine for this, although my OB told me it's all safe I'd rather not take it. Thank God negative on spotting. Spotting makes my day so hard.

still on Duphaston 10mg 2x a day
still on Folart 5mh once a day
OB requested some tests already FBS, CBC, BT, HBsAg, UDRL, URINALYSIS

Dear Lord,
Thank you again for this day. Thank you for making me strong for my baby. Thank you for making our baby strong. Now the baby showed up. So happy Lord, Thank you for all the blessings, please continue to protect us, every day Lord.

in Jesus' name Amen


Friday, May 3, 2019

My 39th birtdhay at 5weeks 7days with spotting

Exactly 5weeks 7days today.

Today is my special day. I asked my mom to accompany me to renew my license  at LTO. Usually every weekend we stay in my Mom's house in QC from Friday to Sunday. I drove from Antipolo City to QC today, due to Friday Traffic I felt tired soon we arrived home.

I told mom to let me take a rest for a while before to go LTO. When I went to the restroom to pee. I saw my pantyliner with pink stain. At that moment, I don't know what to feel. Feel scared and numb. We haven't told to any of our Family regarding my pregnancy. We planned to inform them soon we are done with the first trimester. 

So I chatted my husband telling him about what happened. He told me "Hirap ka talaga magbuntis!" (you always have a hard time during pregnancy). I told him I texted my OBGYNE about it and told me to take some bedrest. Bed rest means as per her text, you will only stand up from your bed when you will go to the bathroom and when you will eat. I just said yes doc. 

But again I need to go to LTO to renew my license. I pretend to mom I am ok. I drive going to LTO SM north, when I will renew my license . Walk from SM north the Block to SM north Annex. A bit far as for my situation but I just walked slowly. 

Soon after I renew my license. I pray.  I will pee and If  I saw some stain again. I will leave it all to God. I asked for his sign, Whatever his decision I will accept it with all my heart.  Then nothing on it. I cried inside the restroom silently. I thank God for the sign. I know He still want me to carry on with this child for we wish for this baby for a long time. 

I chatted my husband about it, about praying to the Lord and asking for a sign. and I told him no stain at all and I am so thankful. He asked me to read 1 verses of bible everyday. and Pray hard. 

Soon we arrived home. I told my mom I will call someone so I let her go down on the car first. But I already have a plan to call THE 700 Club. I call and asked for healing prayer. The prayer warrior ask exactly the reason why I called. I told him about what happened my history and my current situation. All I want to do is to be able to carry this baby till full term and give birth with a healthy baby on due time. I told him everything and while telling him what happened, I am crying so hard, asking for help and prayers for I need its so much at that time.  He led the prayer ask me to follow after him. He pray over me and after I feel so blessed and with God graces feel so ok.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day. For another year of life. Thank you for making me strong. Thank you for the prayer warrior who gave me strength to believe more to GOD that you are with me. You will take are both of us. Thank you Lord for such a blessings even I know its more than I deserved.

in Jesus' name Amen

Thursday, May 2, 2019

My First check up at 5weeks 4days for 4th Pregnancy

Exactly at 5weeks 4days today.

Today is our first check-up to see Baby inside my tummy. I can't describe how excited and nervous we are (with my husband) while waiting on our turn. Even just on our way, I keep on praying and praying so hard that can able to see the baby as this early weeks, I am excited at the same time worrying about it. But I know God is always there to protect us and make us safe.

During the scan, we can see the GS Gestational Sac and My OB said she can also spot the Yolk Sac already. No heartbeat is visible yet. Again repeat scan and checkup after 2 weeks to check baby again. I am so happy and so so happy I thank God for this blessings my Lord.

As of now, my Hyperacidity attacks so hard. Sometimes I can't bear the pain.  I can't even eat well.
Duphaston 3x a day for 2 weeks
Folart 1x a day

Dear Lord,
Thank you, my Lord, for this day I'm exactly 5 weeks 4days. Thank you for making us safe and protecting us every day. Thank you, Lord I already saw our baby today. a tiny little precious.

in Jesus' name amen

Saturday, April 27, 2019

My Tatay's 70th Birthday at 5weeks

Exactly at 5 weeks today [4th pregnancy]
To update I crave so much for  California Maki. I asked my OB if it's safe as per her. California Maki is ok, any sushi or maki is ok as long as no Raw fish with it.

Today we celebrate my tatay's 70th birthday at Mann Hann Trinoma. His birthday April 24, 2019, falls on weekdays which we can't celebrate with him due to work schedule.

here are some photos to share during the celebration.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day again. It's our 5th week on our 4th pregnancy. Thank you for making us safe always and every day. Thank you for another year to celebrate with our Tatay's Thank you for everything

in Jesus' name amen

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Kean's Moving Up at 4 weeks 3days

At 4 weeks and 4 days exactly today.

We attended Kean's Moving up in 2019. From Senior Kinder to Grade 1 next. Such a great moment to cherish. We had a  smart Kuya to be.

Here are some photos to share during the even and the celebrations.

At Dampa Libis with our Family to Celebrate.

The gift we gave to him

Dear Lord,
Thank you for this day Lord, Today is my 4weeks 4days of my 4th pregnancy. Thank you for making me healthy and strong as always. Thank you for making us safe. Thank you for another day of blessings.

in Jesus' name amen

Friday, April 19, 2019

My Meds during first week

The same Date I took my first few PT's I chatted my wonderful and kind OB Dra. Candy Diamante. Just the same she always takes time to read and respond to my messages. She is just a great OB for us.

My OB asked me to see her on May 2, 2019. So probably I will be on 7weeks and its more visible. 
She asked me as well to start my Folart (folic acid) 1x a day

Dear Lord, 
Thank you for another day. Thank you for blessing us a good doctor to take care of me and our baby inside my womb. Please give her the strength to protect all the moms and babies who asked for her help. Thank you for the wonderful gift again. Bless us oh Lord.

In Jesus' name Amen.

Please check this link to know more about my OB-Gyne
Dra. Candy Diamante