Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Day 212 - 30weeks3days

(baby bump apps)

*Day 212 (68days left if we follow the 40-41weeks)
*Week30-Day3 (7weeks-4days left to complete 38weeks)
*Estimated baby weight  2.7blbs  ( actual 3lbs 6oz +)

Every day it's getting near to my delivery date. Mix emotion and you can't describe how a mom to be feeling right now. It's getting more hard as I getting close to that special day but I'm getting more excited at the same time. This app is really helpful and really giving me more guide since I became pregnant, it says here baby supposed to be weighing 2.75lbs around 30weeks3days, haha hmm baby is a little bit heavy? You mean? The baby weighs 3lbs3oz around 29weeks4days :) hmm maybe, that's why I can really feel every move he made... That's an ok baby as soon as not to heavy ok hehe, anyway CS nman ako, whatever happens, eh I just want you to be healthy baby love you...

Actually, I have other 3 friends who also pregnant right now but more advance week with mine. one of my friend from Kuwait already gave birth the first week of September 3013, Another friend from Abu-Dhabi already gave birth last September 11,2013, My last friend who is from Japan, who will give birth this October 2013 wow..can you believe it then next will be us on November 2013, and all of us are having baby boy.. amazing:) all of them our from college friends :) 

(Black/Gold rosary made to order I bought it from the Instagram, prayer book and blue rosary bead given by my mom when I gave birth last year with Mackenzie, and Stainless Silver Rosary necklace also came from my mom just a few months ago..)

Since I reach the 30weeks, aside from giving a prayer every night before going to sleep. I decided to pray for a rosary using my black/gold rosary. All these rosaries are always by my side, I love to see them before going to bed and As soon as I open my eyes in the morning.

Let's Pray the Rosary together mommies...

Here I am again, praying for our safety every day. Praying for your guidance and grace. Lord I'm praying to protect my baby all the way, giving him love from you, Make him strong and healthy. I'm so thankful for all the blessings you are giving my family every day. thank you and sorry for all the things I have done or said wrong. thank You, My Lord.

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