Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Day 213 - 30weeks4days

From Baby Bump Apps Tips:
Baby Size 15.7 in cabbage
Baby Weight 2.75 lb
Pack Those Bags and Throw Them Out!
Lately your eyes may look like you haven’t slept in weeks, and although one of the culprits could be fatigue, the other is the water retention that is so common in the latter stages of pregnancy. The best natural remedies are to get more sleep and to drink plenty of water to flush out your system, but there are some other quick fixes that can help. The first thing in the morning, try placing something cool over your eyes—such as cucumber slices, chilled spoons, or cold tea bags—to bring the swelling down. When you apply your make up, use concealer that’s one shade lighter than your skin tone on the puffy areas and follow with mascara. This will help minimize the appearance of any remaining puffiness so you look refreshed and ready to face the world, even if you did only get four hours of sleep last night.
Created with BabyBump by Alt12 Apps. Get it at

*Day 213 (67days to if we will follow the 40-41weeks)
*30weeks-4days ( 7weeks - 3days more to go to complete my 39weeks)
*Feeling relax today and easy. Thank God! Good Morning baby boy! =')
I wake up around 8:35am, no need to get up early for I have no work 'till friday, why? It's Chuseok Holiday in South Korea for 3Days yehey!! hmm by the way, I own a English Online Learning Center, we teach English via Online and whats good about my job? It's Homebased I have teacher's to handle my students and Me as well also teach some few loads, but as soon as I found out I was pregnant again, I lessen my loads and focus more of my pregnancy.. so my work in my online company is to manage the schedules and complaints or enrolless yipee!!But after I'll give birth on November, I will back to my normal load. =') goodluck to me..

Anyway, like what I have said, today is Day 213 - 30weeks4days in a row, I could say I had a great sleep last night, My morning today kinda awesome. Relax, easy feeling, heavy feeling? not today.. which is good. More easy to move and more relaxing morning.. I hope it will be the like this the whole day!! Secret? hmm, never eat too much!! Ooops, my bad.. yes its my fault, kinda not feeling good yesterday for I think again, I ate kinda a lot, breakfast with a cup or champorado, my mom cook early for our lunch which is monggo soup and Fried boneless bangus OMG, again I ate some few drops and pieces of fish haha... cheat day yesterday....

More updates to come mommies! Baby Dust to all..

Dear Lord,
Lord, I wake so good and relax today. feeling great and easy. Thank you for making my morning great. Thank you for giving us peaceful sleep of my baby last night. I thank you for all the grace and glory you have giving us everyday and every night . I love you Lord, I love you my dear baby boy... Ill see you on November in my arms cuddling each other and kissing you good morning, good afternoon and goodnight everyday..

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