Monday, September 9, 2013

CAS (repeat) vs Pelvic Ultrasound

Last September 03, 2013, I decided to have a repeat CAS (congenital anomaly scan) as I request from my OB, just for my peace of mind, however, I already did the first one at the eight weeks of my pregnancy which is recommended. This time although I can still have the repeat CAS from the same OB-Sono who done the first one, I decided to have the 2nd opinion or result from a different one to compare and to that everything really finds. 

NeoMedica Health Services Inc. which is also near to my OB's Clinic/ultrasound, (Womens Ultrasound) where I decided to have the 2nd repeat CAS worth Php1,500.00 which also I sometimes I also did ultrasound there but this time first with the different OB-Sono in NeoMedica (Louella Agustin-Dogelio MD). It was around 4:30pm, as I enter the clinic I didn't notice that the girl sitting on the waiting area talking to a man who has a loud voice was already the OB-Sono who will be conducting the scan. Then when she finally called by the assistant.

Dr. Dogelio : (calling my name) Do you want to pee first?
Me: sure Doc. 
Dr. Dogelio: (inside scan room with hubby and me) Is this your first pregnancy?
Me: Suppose to be the second doc but we lost son (stating some few stories about what happened).
Dr. Dogelio: Oh, why? did you get sick on your first pregnancy (while operating some scan's on my baby already)? are you diabetic?
Me: No doc, I'm pretty feel find before and I just had my OGCT last 2 weeks before I think and it's all fine.
Dr. Dogelio: ok, when was your last scan? (again she ask, are you diabetic?) 
Me: I said just last August 15,2013 Doc and August 07, was my first CAS this is only a repeat which I  request just to have a second opinion for me. (which I didn't remember my last scan was just August 29,2013, with my OB for a Pelvic ultrasound)
Dr.Dogelio: Are you sure you are not Diabetic? 'coz your water is kinda a lot this time. But I will check it again. Your baby is so active right now maybe you just ate right? I'm having a hard time to check on him because he moves a lot. (then suddenly she wanted to check the recent photos and measurement that she said she saved it but, she said she cannot find it, what? we have been doing this, I think past 30mins around this time, then she said she will just get it again, while she is doing it again, she said are you ok? sorry I need to redo it again for I lost the first batch that I saved.)
Me: It's Ok doc. everything for baby.
Dr. Dogelio: (she is stating different body parts of my baby) This is his head...ok, this is his heart...ok, this is his the lower side of the heart.. its ok single bubble, hmm wait single nga ba, hehe yeah its fine.. next bladder, kidneys.. your amniotic fluid I think is kinda high but I will compute it manually again, ok, i will just type this and wait for me outside. 

(huwaaat?? she even had guts to play a joke on my son's internal organs knowing that what happened to my first son was a double-bubble to result of having a duodenal artresia.. and computing manually for my amniotic fluid what is that for? the use of the ultrasound is to have an accurate computation you just have to know when you will measure it from which to which, right? and to tell you the truth I didn't see some good photos that she is measuring the amniotic fluid from the right content.. wtf? I'm already starting to feel nervous at this time around knowing she said my fluid is quite excessive...but I manage to be calm, while my hubby notice that ob-sono quite having a hard time to do it.. and what more? after the scan and I'm still fixing my clothes and cleaning the lubricant gel on my tummy when she opens the door right away? huwatt? can you just make me finish first before you open that door for I'm still cleaning my tummy?? tsk tsk!! )

Me: Oh, don't doc please not like that.. laugh a bit about her joke (but deep inside its not funny...)

While waiting for the result in the waiting area with my mom and hubby, although I'm bothered, I've tried my best not to show it to my husband and mom. stay calm and wait for the result. Then she suddenly came out and I can't wait for the papers to see the result, so I ask her directly.

Me: Hi Doc, hows my amniotic fluid?
Dr.Dogelio: Yeah, its quite a lot so just let your OB see this scan. 

Wow, really? I just had a recent scan last August 29, and now its just Sept 03, from 16.47cm (i think..) now it's 26cm (which the normal range of Amniotic Fluid is 5-24cm). I'm quite confused and bothered at the same time. I texted my OB right away and says the news and the result. 

My OB: What is the result? Anjie if the result is not greater than 24cm it's still not consider more amniotic fluid, did she sign you out as Polyhydramnios?
Me: Yes doc . Poly daw po 26cm that's why I'm quite bothered. what should I do doc? She said the baby is ok, everything is ok the only thing is I have an excessive fluid in this scan.
My OB: So as long as your CAS is ok meaning normal kidneys, bladder, stomach. one of the causes of Poly is the patient or mom suffering from high sugar or diabetic, Try to have a test for OGTT 100Mg this time where you need to do the fasting. 
Me: Ok Doc. Can I do another pelvic scan in the clinic tomorrow, just to be sure that my fluid is quite high, because still having doubt on it doc, then if really my fluid is high, I do the ogtt the next day right away.
My OB:  Yeah you can, it's good timing because of Dra. Sol is in the clinic from 2-4pm, bring your scan from Neomedica as well. (Dra. sol, is the one who she always recommend to all of her patient conducting the CAS for Dra. Sol is very detailed in doing the CAS.)
Me: Ok Doc I will. Thank you very much.
My OB: You are welcome Anjie. 

then as soon as I got home, because I'm bothered I starting to research about Polyhydramnios, I'm so worried and everything, so I decided to talk to my sis in law (she is a MedTech/a nurse/a mother of 4 children /wife of my brother/own a laboratory clinic), telling her what happened and the result, she said how come? then she suggests, to check my RBS and HSB1C (past 3 months sugar level) as well. then the next day came, I will go to the clinic to have a pelvic scan around 2 pm, while waiting my sis in law already extract blood that morning and waiting for her call for the result, suddenly around 12noon she called and she said that my blood sugar or RBS is perfectly fine and normal, even my past 3 months sugar level is ok, somehow I was really relieved although still need to check again for peace of mind thru Pelvic scan.. I texted my OB 

Me: Hi Doc, my sis in law decided to check my RBS and HSB1C today and she said everything is fine, Even my past 3 months sugar level are all normal. Somehow doc I'm relieved, but I'm about to go to the clinic for my scan and I will let you know right away for the result.
My OB: Actually Anjie, I do not believe that your  AFI is 26cm. Anyway, let's wait for the result of your scan from  Dra. Sol scan later.
Me: Yes Doc, even me I really doubt on it. But just for peace of my mind, I wanted to have still a scan.
Thank you, Doc for your support and kindness to us. :)
My OB: Welcome Anjie, Just relax ok .:)

While waiting for my turn, I'm praying so hard that really my AFI is normal and everything is fine. As soon as my name called, Still nervous and praying so hard, although I need to relax and calm. Then scan started  I informed Dra. Sol what is that scan for, then she scans carefully everything, a face which she even got a good shot, check the head, stomach size, gender and last my amniotic Fluid and she said everything is ok to turn out to be 16.5cm only which is just yesterday scan was 26cm in size. Oh Em Gee, I always call Lord name, Jesus and every saint I remember just to thank them for making it normal and again still ok.

Me: Doc I just had a scan and my AFI is only 16.5cm. I'm so happy that everything is good for the baby and me. I was so mad and angry for that OB-Sono who conduct and give a wrong information doc. But most importantly I'm happy because we are ok. Thank You so much, Doc.God Bless.
My OB: I told you anjie, I don't believed that your AFI is 26cm, don't be so tense for it will not help you out like that. I'll see you on your check up date sept 12.
Me: Yes Doc. I know, I wasn't able to have a good night sleep last night for I was thinking it so hard and feel so stress about it. Thank you Doc Yes I'll see you. :)
My OB: Ok Anjie. See you.

Sometimes,some Doctors really don't bothered if what they are doing is right or wrong. Sometimes the reason why some patients asking for second opinion because they wanted to be sure. I hope some doctors would be more aware for what they are doing to be sure and accurate. It can cause harm to their patient because of the wrong information or result that they will going to be release.

Dear Lord,
First, I would like to say sorry for all the wrong things I have done for the past few days and week,I would like to forgives as well for my family who did some mistakes and wrong doings that we possible commit again in the future. Lord Thank you for all the blessings and grace you are still giving me and my Family. And most of all thank you for making my baby safe and protected everything care and love. Thank you for taking good care of my baby and my family. Lord I can't wish anything from you but just to make my baby Strong, Healthy, normal and complete and God fearing. He is my life Lord. Thank You for everything you have done and still doing for my family. I love you so much My Lord and Mama Mary, Padre Pio, St. Anthony de Padua, St. Clare, Our Lady of Manaog, Regina Rosarii. Please forgive people for their mistakes as well. 


Rackell said...

Aaawww... Good thing you consult your OB about the result of your CAS. Or else, you might get paranoid all the time. I'm so happy that your baby is okay. I was schedule for my CAS on Sept 23 and I'm so nervous. I keep on praying that my baby to be healthy.

God Bless and don't worry too much mommy because I know God guide you all the time.

iamanjch said...

Yes. I always text my OB sis everytime a simple changes or feelings I experience, its better to be makulit than sorry hehe.. kaya she is ok nman with that.I thank Her for being so patience and mabait sa kin. hehe. everytime na may mga ganyan i txted her right away. :)

Thanks sis. stay Healthy also. Having a hard time na as early as 7months. Hirap na sleep , kilos, bilis na din mapagod.

kaya most of the time stay at home. hehe.

Rackell said...

Wow! Okay nga yan, at least panatag ka na sis na okay si baby db..

ako minsan kinakabahan kc parang di sya malikot, although mag 5 months palang ako kaya later punta ako sa OB ko para makacgurado..

Basta stay healthy always mommy ha.. Lapit mo narin makita si baby mo, 2 months to go.. :)

era28 said...

Hi I know this is an old post pero I had a checkup with Dra. Louella, and when I red this blog I’m started to get nervous if I got the wrong information about my condition too :-(

era28 said...

hi i know this is an old post but i hope you can read it, I also had checkup wth dra. Dogelio and I’m diagnosed with PCOS but when I red this blog I’m starting to doubt if she give a wrong information about my condition 😢😰