Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Kicks Jabs Flips at 27weeks

Most of our little ones inside are really so funny, most of the time, they making fun of us.  =') These videos actually I already cropped it for the time He was so active and decided to catch up those moves into a video then he suddenly stop and became shy!! But still, I never give up, haha. I waited and waited till he moves those feet and arms to give some kicks and jabs haha.. So I decided to cropped it for it was so long and no showing of his flips and dance till he gave me few again.. 

Although we often says, some moves of our little darling inside like jabs, kicks , flips are kindly hard and some pain occur, but we usually says as well.. "Who cares with the pain?" Haha.. As long as our little sweetheart is so active and so playful inside means they are so healthy. Thank God :)

What most funny thing is when he's dad trying to feel his jabs and moves, he again stop!! Hahahahaha. This little boy makes his dad really mad.. Hahahahaa.. He already know how to fool his dad as early as he could hahaha..

Dear God,
Again, I'm here again saying all my Thank You's and asking forgiveness for all the mistakes we've done. My Lord, I don't lnow how to say thank you for all the best I can, for all the overflowing blessings you been giving us all through out. My Lord, most specially thank you for all the care and love you are giving to my baby , he is been protected by your love and grace everyday,and I want to thank you for all the things you been doing to protect and make my baby safe. Iloveyou My Lord please continue to guide us and protect us. 

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