Friday, October 4, 2013

Day 229 - 32weeks6days

Let's hit the Day 228 - 32Weeks5Days First:

Yesterday, October 03, 2013 was our recent check up. Getting excited to see my little one inside again. Of course, I wanna check what is he doing inside my tummy knowing he kicks and wave's a lot haha. Our little kulit baby. hehe. As baby checked on scan. Wow, baby getting bigger, Although my personal weight really didn"t  change at all after 3 weeks had passed. But baby, wow.. adding 2lbs on his weight, usually baby around 32 weeks are almost 4.5lbs but our baby weighs 5.4lbs yahoo adding almost 2lbs from previous check up.

What's really make us happy and even our OB smiled. First time she put the scanner on my tummy she check the head and go down check the legs and she saw whooping baby's gender showing us while he's peeing .. hahaha!! My little baby boy not even shy to show us why he is doing his thing. Umuwi ba nman! like a shower haha!! So funny baby. He even keeps holding his feet up with his two hands. Keep showing us his lovely cheeks and face. Oh my dear baby, we are all excited to see you on November. Only few more kicks and you will be with us already. Just hand in there, grow more, mature more and everything will be in perfect timing with the help of our dear Lord. 

Of course after check up and usual routine to hit some resto to catch some delicious food cravings. We ate at Pancake which is just downstairs. As usual, again I was not able to finished my food. Feel full as easy as 30weeks hit me. So hubby is the one who usually eat my leftover at home. haha thanks mwahh!!

Now, Today, October 4, 2013 Its, Day 229 - 32Weeks6Days

Our target date is 11-12-13, November 12, 2013. which will be my 37weeks4days .Even OB said its ok to deliver the baby around this time. We are still talking if we want to make it exactly 38weeks around November 15-16,2013. Hubby and I still thinking about it. haha!! Anyway more updates soon. Let's see.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for your wonderful day yesterday and everyday of my life. Thank you for the little one inside you have given us. Thank you for protecting us each day and every minute. You are our Savior and you are our life My Dear Lord. Over flowing blessings to thank nothing else to say but a big THANK YOU for making our baby so healthy!! We love you Lord


Rackell said...

post ka mommy ng pictures ni baby.. nakakatuwa naman yun, ang kulit ng baby boy mo ha.. kanino kaya nagmana?
In fairness, ganda ng date ng delivery mo ha 11-12-13.. galing! almost 1 month nalang.. :)

iamanjch said...

Hehe. sayang di kase official ung ultrasoung namin ni baby, My Ob usually just checking on my baby every visit thru scan but no pics or result so no need to pay kmi. Just to check si baby. Super kulit nga sis. hehe naku mukhang sa tatay kase ang tatay super duper kulit, knowing its a boy what more hehe. pero kahit super kulit pa sia, mommy will always be here for him.

hehe actually late ko na din na realize ung 11-12-13 kase active din ako sa female network girltalk sa mga due ng oct-nov-dec forum. sabi ko nun we are still thinking what dates ang maganda bigla may nag suggest na nov 12 nlang daw para bday ni baby 11-12-13 which is amaze me din ang cute diba.. hehe so from then on gustu ko tlaga date Nov 12 sana. hehe.. oo nga eh onting kembot nlang sis..

I'm planning to check baby on 3D scan again eh just few pics, i hope I can still do it kase hirap na, if ever I'll post it. Kaw din mommy ha post ka new pics din ni baby please hehehe!!

Anonymous said...

im so happy for u sis...take are 11-12-13 na lang bday nya parang personalized bday talaga