Sunday, October 13, 2013

Smile at 34weeks

Update: Day 238 / 34weeks 1 day
Waiting: 3 weeks 6 days to complete 38weeks

Sunday, Exactly reaching 34weeks with my bundle of joy inside. So happy and so excited. Although I'm having a hard for this pregnancy. Still happiness will never be lose in my eyes and in my heart. He is my or should I say he is our fulfillment of our marriage and happiness. Having Our little child , a bundle of our joy. I cannot exchange of anything even how hard it is for me every single steps I make, even how many sacrifices  or struggle just to make our baby boy healthy and strong I will do everything,

As I reach 34weeks, getting hard for my tummy is getting heavy and bigger, of course baby is getting so healthy inside. Even how much I wanted to go to the mall to buy some staff for him, I still don"t know if I can still make it. for after few steps I wanted to meet some chair to sit on for feeling tired and heavy right away, So how can I do some shopping if I will be like that haha.. I don:t know still thinking.. still locking for few staff for our dearest Unico Ijo.

We attended a Sunday mass instead of our usual Saturday mass due to heavy rains yesterday. After mass we ended up in our favorite breakfast treat at PANCAKE HOUSE. I catch up some few bites in my spaghetti with Clubhouse with Soup and for hubby (not in the picture) got Boneless Bangus with rice and egg. Lovely breakfast for sure baby loved it too for he was so likot and kicking a lot. haha.  

After breakfast, we decided to visit Grocery Cherry Fooderama to buy some  staff that locking in our room then suddenly I remember hubby already need to wash baby's clothes already so we decided to look for Baby detergent soap and we ended up getting Perwoll, they said its nice and smell goods and really good for baby's skin. We don't like to use our usual detergent soap for our clothes for we all know new born baby is very sensitive so don't forget no no to Fabric Conditioner as well. Perwoll kindly expensive but I think its worth it just for our baby's care.

Dear Lord,
Thank you for we already reach now the 34weeks today all because of your guidance and care with protection. Thank you for making us safe everyday Lord. I know you will never be tired for all the prayers and same prayers that I always asking for you every day and every now and then for all of this is for the safety of our little joy, Thank you for so much blessings my Lord. 

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