Thursday, October 10, 2013

His and Her @ Day 235

What's up with Day 235?
From Baby Bump Apps:
Tips: After meals you may notice a burning sensation in your chest. The is most likely heartburn, and can range in severity from candle flame to bonfire. it's common for heartburn to flare up during pregnancy, thanks to hormones slowing down yout digestion and causing acid to escape back into rhe esophagus. although your treatment options are limited, there are things you can di to preveng it. Avoid spicy foods, carbonated dinks,or any other foods or beverages that may cause foods, gastrointestinal problems. Consume sever small meals throughout the day, and take time to chew your food. Chew gum after meals,as this stimulates the production of saliva and neutralizes stomach acid.

***This apps really help me alot for some changes that still occur even we are in our last trimester. It's been a big help from day 1. Yes this apps is right? I've experience the heartburn or acid reflux when we reach 5th month to 6th month and its really worst. I was able to eat right so instead of gaining weight i started to lose weight at that time which OB said its ok because maybe when we reach the 7-8months I probably gain more. Which is true! But yes its also true that just recent days I'm into heartburn again, even without eating some foods or drinking beverages that strike my heartburn still experiencing my enemy. Oh my i hope it will pass through. Chewing a gum is really a big help in any how, but soon taste gone you need to chew another for te heartburn sensation will be back :)

Day 235, I always prepare our  His and her breakfast everyday and hubby is the one who will fix and clean the dishes aftetwards. Today i saw some hashbrown that mom bought the other day , I ask permission if I can hve two slice on it haha. Me and my hubby and my brothers family are living with our parents, sharing expenses and bills, lunch dinner usually mom cooks for us, but for breakfast most of the time we have our own, all families ate doing grocery seperately thats why we have our fridge in our room and food stocks =') .

Today's His and Her breakfast looks so yummy, fried eggs, pandesal, hashbrown, hotdogs, my lowfat milk and his coffee. I even post it in my IG and FB and people commente like "ang sarap!" Simple yet delicous haha. Thank you friends!!

Dear Lord,
Today is another wonderful day indeed. We are bless to all the gifts you are giving me everyday. Some are unexpected, some are prayed thank you so much Lord for keeping us safe and protected.

Sent from my iPhone

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