Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Baby Dance Finally at Day15

We usually have baby dance around 9:00 in the morning but this time I feel so anxious because I wanted to do the baby dance but I'm so afraid that he might reject me too. Around 8:30 in the morning my niece use to ask me to lay down on bed with her and she wanted to do that on our room in on our bed. Without me knowing that my hubby are getting ready already for our baby dance but how he can inform me about that if my niece is with us in our room.  =') but of course i didn't know this until he told me about it, so while waiting and i know and i thought that he doesn't have plan so I need to do something, while sitting on our bed something came out on me, and when i went to the bathroom its Cervical Mucus and in Egg White texture which is means that as the recent readings i had "I'm Ovulating" I felt sudden nervous because I was thinking like we are not doing the baby dance and if i am really ovulating today I had a big chance to lose and failed this cycle so I run out of the bathroom and called DH, and i said about my CM and he just said like, maybe your period are starting to come out again?!! what a heck?!! I didn't expect that he will said that. I said impossible i just had my period last Oct 5 and it's white not red hello!!!  

Then good thing my niece stand up and went to her Nanny. then a few minutes after he said let's do it and close the door and he said how can we do it when your niece is with us just like last night?!!! He had a point1 =') 

So we ended up doing it. But then again I felt something bad because again i felt some waste from my hubby so I feel not all of my hubby's cell came in. ='(  I just pray and Hoping again God's will give us miracle.

Baby Dust To All!!!


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