Monday, October 3, 2011


Since last night I started to feel the pain again on my Lower abdomen. Sometimes it kills me with so much pain. I don't know what to do. I will have my TVS/FM again today, I hope everything is find and well.

Dear LORD,

I thank you for all the blessings that I have been receiving specially these past few days. I am so thankful that you always there to save me every time I need a hand to guide me. You never failed to help me in time of my trouble.  I am sorry for all the pain and sorrow that i have cause you. All the mistakes I have done to other people and to my self. My LORD please help me to through this battle. A battle of building my own family. A dream that I ever wanted since then. I know GOD the father is always there in our arms and heart. I will accept whatever chances and challenges you may give for I know you will never failed me to get through all the pain and sorrow I maybe in.

I LOVE YOU LORD with all my HEART!!

Please Guide me and Protect me.

1 comment:

Kate said...

We All going through a battle that make our life stronger.