Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cycle 4: 13Day Leading Follicle

I just had a Follicle Monitoring this early morning. I went to the Women's Ultrasound Clinic early so I can be first in the list =) but surprisingly when I came it even though the clinic is still close First Patient is already there, it means someone is earlier than me haha. 

Anyway, My Follicle Monitoring Or ultrasound result was so great! I can see that only few immature follicle are visible in my ovaries like 4-5 pcs I think and if last cycle I had  matured follicle on the right ovaries and this time I have 1.5cm x 1.2cm on the left I was so surprise although I already expecting it a bit because the dosage of my clomid this cycle is a double that usual dosage for my past 3 cycles. and this time i only have 1 leading and 4 small follicles around on my left not like before i think it was 10 small follicles =') and the size today was a bit ok unlike before all less than 1.0cm. 

I went to my OB today for another check up she said my response in clomid 100mg is great. Although my OB said it's still consider PCOS but not as much as before and not worst at all. She said I need to have repeat FM on Thursday Day 15 what makes me surprise, she said if the result of my FM on Thursday will be good and my follicle get bigger she will give me shot of PREGYNL although I already heard about this on my  recent readings about TTC women's . This  is to able to burst the follicle on time so the couple can maximize or the OB can state the exact date of baby dance but still I feel so nervous. (what is PREGYNL?). Anyway let see  on thusday what will be the result and still hoping for God's miracle.  some OB Gyne can consider my situation bit PCOS anymore because I was able to produce good eggs already. =')

I asked the sonologist who did my Follicle Monitoring if the clomid  had a side effect of making your lining thin. But she said no, my lining was even perfect and in good size as she said knowing I had a double dosage of my clomid this time.  I also asked my OB about it but she said not really true she said it depends on woman body but most of the time women conceived on clomid itself. Feel so Positive!!

I'm happy but on the other hand a bit sad because even I relay the result of my FM and what my OB said to my DH not to mention I went to my OB alone because he has to work he just had a simple reaction on it. At the end of the day, even i already inform DH that i had a good follicle we didn't do our usual baby dance ='((( from this moment I was holding my lower abdomen while saying "Please don't burst yet, hubby and I didn't do our baby dance!!!" I ended up crying!!  and still hoping and never lose hope!  Cross fingers.


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