Monday, October 3, 2011

Corpus Lutuem

I just had a TVS/FM i waited at the women's ultrasound for about 4 to 5 hours. The first sonologist was not able to do it with me due to her schedule so I need to wait for another Sonologist to check on me.

Then after a few hours the long wait is finally over.It took only about 5-10 minutes. So I found out my dominant follicle already burst out. Corpus Lutuem Then the only question she asked was "You still doing your baby dance right?" then I said yes.I asked if we will able to know when it burst exactly, then she said we were not able to know the exact date but definitely not recently.

So actually I don't know what will i ever feel at that day. will i be happy because it burst out? or I feel nervous and afraid if the sperm was able to to his job or did we do the baby dance on a right time.

So many questions but left unanswered. I don'y have any choice but to have till my next AF or if not wait after 4-6 days till i do the PT. Still crossing fingers.

My lower abdomen are starting to feel the same pain before again.

Prayers for me!!


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