Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Getting stress everyday

Today is October 04, 2011. I'm getting nervous while waiting for my next AF in 3 days. Asking my self  questions like, what will I do if I'll got my AF on October 07? what will do If i will be delayed. So many questions but still can't find any answers no choice but to wait that day.

We went to my in laws because DH need to something there with his cousin. So Ieft with his mom and aunt. Sharing some stories I even shared our stories while trying hard to have our own baby and ended up then we ended up all laughing on it. His aunt even says that she will give us money to help us in our check ups and' medicine. My mom in law even teach me how to massage my lower abdomen because as you know oldies still believe on saying 'Baka mababa ang matres mo?"

In a way it's good chance to lessen my stress thinking my AF and my ovulation. =')

All i have to do is to Pray, Pray, Pray! Faith and more Faith! I can do this.

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