Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Aunt Flo, Third Cycle Failed.

After I had a class ( my homebased Job) around 8:00AM today. I decided to take a bath which i usually do most of the time. When I'm about to go to the bathroom somethings came out on me. I already t he have already a doubt that it might me the one I'm expecting and afraid to know. My period or Aunt Flo then as soon as I close the door I check on it then its Fully RED BLOOD. It's my AuntFlo I don't know what to do, and the first thing that cam to my mind how can I say this to DH. I'm still on the denial stage that it might be a implantation bleeding because i just had my TVS/FM last monday and my lining still thick and in a good size, that was just 2 days ago and My period was due on October 07 today is just October 05. But Still I can't deny the fact that it is really Aunt Flo its heavy and its really color red. What makes me feel so bad was I'm having a severe menstrual cramps. So hard and I even cried for the pain.

Then I came out to the bathroom and trying to call my DH's name. then i said " I got my period today" he didn't say anything but after a few minutes he ask, why so fast? you just had a TVS and we just knew that your follicle burst out.?" i also don't know the answer. then I ended up having a 29Cycle this time.

I feel so bad but somehow I already prepared my self in this kind of failure. Before I always cried so hard till the whole day every time i remember it but now I'am more stronger and willing to fight. I remember my sister in law (sister of my DH) she said don't expect too much so you will not a hard time to accept if you failed. just go go go and do not stop. Keep fighting.

Now I'm ready for my 4th cycle of my Fertility Pill (clomid) by this time as my OB said twice a day. Still we have more power and more faith to fight. DH even told me don't worry we still have another cycle and this time your doctor said you will increase your dosage right? so in a way i felt so glad and my sadness easily fade away. I love my DH and My family.

Till the next round.!! =') Fight Fight Fight!!

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